Towards of the end of this magazine period, I will be taking my final service in Hambledon as Priest- in-Charge. I know it will be an emotional time for us. Heather, Susie and I will miss you all, but that has always been the lot of a parish priest, to belong for a time and then step out the way so new beginnings and new life can happen.

We will take with us some wonderful memories and friendships as well as a deep debt of gratitude to God, for placing us here and to you all, for the love we have shared. Hambledon is a true community, which really does work to enable all people to flourish. I have often mentioned in the past, this community can only be maintained by the hard work of all its members. Long may it continue!

Thankfully one never knows what effects one has on people, for good hopefully, but also inevitably sometimes, for ill. However, we know that we have been happy here and know that we are loved. There is not much more that one could ask for, as a priest.

I have been so well supported by our Licensed Readers, Curates, Churchwardens and Laity over the past eleven years as well as the incredible three hundred plus people who enable St. Peter and St. Paul’s to function as church community.

I have always liked the older title “Clerk – in – Holy Orders” for clergy, rather than the modern minister of religion, because as a parish priest you chart the lives of the community and Baptisms, Weddings and funerals are a key part of what priests do. There have been some wonderful baptisms and weddings and it has been a real privilege to be involved with the families of Hambledon in this way. It has never ceased to amaze me of the wondrous lives that most of the people whose funeral’s I have taken, have lived. It has been a real joy to have known the vast majority of those I have buried and to have had a real affection for them.

My last service is at 10:30am on November 26th. It is the last day of the Church’s year – the Feast of Christ the King. It seems right to me to end our time with you at the end of a year and a time thereafter of looking forward with hope, firstly for the coming of Christ, then for Christmas and His incarnation and thirdly for a New Year and new beginnings. The Kingdom of God and our belonging to it by God’s transformation of us in the here and now, has motivated me for my whole ministry; so what better day to mark it than by celebrating Jesus as the King and us all as part of His Kingdom. As always all are welcome to our services and I hope you will join us on 26th November.

Heather and I will be moving in early December to:

3 Oakwood Grove

…Where a cup of tea always awaits!

God Bless you all and thank you
Robin and Heather